
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Treatment of Secret Disease with Black Seed

Ubqari Magazine - May 2015

Respected Hakeem sahib Assalamo Alikum!I am reading Ubqari from few time, I got a lot of things from it. I have few tips of “original black seeds and oil” that I am giving for Ubqari. Definitely readers will be benefited from them. Black seed is of black color and triangular in shape. Its smell is hard and taste is bitter. Some people consider it as seed of onion which is completely wrong. Seed of onion is of black color but its surface is uneven and it has now smell and taste. Black seed oil is very helpful in many different physical diseases. In some diseases time is required therefore one must be consistent in treatment with black seed oil. Treatment from black seed oil is done with some things that are easily available at Pansari Shops and Greek Medicine Shop. At most 2 grams of black seed can be eaten. So make your habit of drinking maximum half spoon or 15 drops of black seed oil simply or by mixing it in honey, water, milk or any other drink. For physical growth of children mix2-3 drops in milk. Use black seed oil for different diseases as per following way:

Migraine: daily pour one drop of black seed oil in opposite nostril of head ache side. Daily drink 10 drops of black seed oil.

Headache:  at time of headache massage black seed oil on head and temple (کنپٹی), drink 10 drops of black seed oil by mixing it with honey.

Epilepsy: pour one drop of black seed oil in right nostril, next day pour in left nostril. Daily drink 10 drops of black seed oil by mixing it with one spoon honey.

Hemiplegia paralysis: daily massage one drop in opposite nostril of effected area and drink black seed oil 10 drops by mixing it with one spoon honey.

Memory: one spoon honey, drink it with 10 drops of black seed oil. Suck 3-4 pieces of cinnamon in whole day.

 Mental weakness: in morning mix and eat 31.25 grams of butter or 62.5 grams of crème with sugar and 12 drops of black seed oil.

Initial cataracts: if cataracts is in initial stage then daily pour one drop of black seed oil in eye.

Deaf, pain in ear: pour one drop of warm black seed oil.

Swelling of ear: boil equal weight of olive oil and black seed oil and pour it in ear when it gets warm.

Tooth ache: boil black seed oil 8 drops, 8 spoon black seed, and little bit of vinegar and wash your mouth with it, place clove on effected teeth.

 Dirty teeth: burn lahori salt on fire and fine grind it, add few drops of black seed oil, few drops of mustard oil and apply on teeth.

For epistaxis: burn one piece of clean white paper, add and mix two drops of black seed oil in its ashes and pour it in nose. 

 Cough, mucus: boil grinded linseed 12.5 grams in 25 grams of water, when water remains half filter it and add fourteen drops of black seed oil and two spoon honey and give it to patient to drink. 

Asthma: mix 10 drops of black seed oil and one spoon honey in warm water and give it to patient. 

 Problem in breathing: drink 10 drops of black seed oil one spoon honey in warm water, take steam of 2 glass of water containing one small spoon of black seed oil. 

Flatulence (ریاح): celery (اجوائن) 60 grams, black seed oil 10 drops, dip it in lemon juice and let it dry in sunlight then add 10 grams of black salt in it and burn it, eat a pinch in morning and evening. 

 Hiccups: add 10 drops of black seed oil in butter and eat it. 

Vomiting: by licking mixture of fresh fruit vinegar, sugar and black seed oil helps in stopping vomit. 

Constipation:  at night before sleeping drink warm milk with one spoon castor oil and 10 drops of black seed oil. 

Gas bolting: 12.5 grams of ginger juice, black seed oil 6 drops drink by mixing a bit of salt and water. 

 Hunger: dip 50 grams of black seed oil in vinegar for whole night. Make them dry and make powder from it. Pinch of powder and one spoon honey, 10 drops of black seed oil.Eat it.


Medicine for digestion: celery 50 grams dip it in 6 drops of black seed oil and lemon juice and let it dries in sunlight. Eat a pinch of it after every meal. 

Stomach worms: mix and drink 2 drops of black seed oil and 11 drops of original vinegar in one quarter of water. 

Dysentery: 12.5 grams Ispaghol (اسپغول), yogurt 25 grams, mix 3 drops of black seed oil and eat 3-4 times daily. 

Weak lever: dip celery 12.5 grams in water and keep it under shade in day and in open at night. Next day filter water and mix 6 drops of black seed oil and drink. 

(Water in stomach) استسقاءmesh green bitter gourd and extract 62.5 grams of water. Add 25 grams of honey and 10 drops of black seed oil and drink once daily. 

Jaundice:  dip 25 grams of henna leaves in water at night, next morning add one spoon honey and 10 drops of black seed oil and drink. 

Irritation in urine: mix 25 grams of milk, 10 drops of black seed oil, 25 grams of water, one spoon honey and drink.

 Lack of urination: boil 25 grams of corn hair in water; add 10 drops of black seed oil and drink. 

 Stone in kidney bladder: once a day mix 12 drops of black seed oil, one spoon original honey in boiling water and drink. 

Dandruff: make following mixture and apply. Black seed 30 grams, Kansi (کانسی) leaves 20 grams, henna leaves 35 grams, vinegar 500 grams, boil and filter after 5 minutes then mix it in black seed oil and apply. 

Eczema: 10-10  grams of SNAMAKI (سنا مکی), black seed, Kiste Sheren, henna leaves 35 grams, vinegar 500 grams, boil it for 5 minutes and filter it. Then apply it by mixing in black seed oil.

 Leucoderma (برص) black seed 50 grams, HAB UR SHAD 50 grams, henna leaves 10 grams, vinegar 900 grams, boil it for 10 minutes and filter it, then apply it after mixing it in black seed oil. 

Fungus: fine grind equal weight of, henna, SNAMAKI (سنا مکی), black seed, fenugreek (میتھی), HAB UR SHAD, Kiste Sheren and then boil it in 6 time more vinegar. Then use it with black seed oil. 

Hair fall (بالخور): mix and apply equal weight of ginger water with vinegar. Before sleeping mix grinded black seed in black seed oil and vinegar and apply on effected area. 

Bald: mix and apply egg oil and black seed oil. 

 Hair fall: apply only black seed oil on head. If desired you can do any of previous two acts. 

Diabetes: 12.5 grams of black seed. Mix and grind Kansi seed and METHI seed 6-6 grams. Eat 2.91 grams with four drops of black seed oil twice a day. 

Hemorrhoids: grinded henna laves 50 grams, original olive oil 250 grams, boil it for 5 minutes and leave it. At night before sleeping add 3-3 drops of black seed oil and apply it on hemorrhoids. Similarly apply it in morning. In morning before eating anything else eat 3-4 pieces of Fig with 10 drops of black seed oil. 

Back ache: cook clean clove of garlic in 250 grams of mustard oil and keep it safe. At night drink with black seed oil. 

Periodic fever: dip 12.5 grams of celery in 250 grams of water in mud bowl, in morning filter water and add 10 drops of black seed oil and drink. 

Obesity: mix 1 lemon with four drops of black seed oil and water drink daily trice a day. Eat less then hunger. Avoid constipation. 

Cold, flue: apply black seed oil on little finger and apply inside nostril. 

Beauty of face: before sleeping mix ocher (گیرو) with few drops of black seed oil and apply on face. In morning wash with soap and warm water. 

Increase in pile (تلی): extract water from green bitter grout, thrice a day add four drop of black seed oil in 2 water and drink. 

Sexual weakness: at night mix and drink at night five drops of black seed oil, grinded pinch half spoon, one spoon honey and warm water. 

Weakness of heart: mix and drink, extract from four clove of ginger, black seed oil four drops little bit of sugar and water.

Precautions: patients ofdiphtheria and pregnant women must consult their doctors before using.

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